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Our strong commitment

Sustainability is a core part of all operations at Blue Ocean Closures, as a company whose goal it is to reduce plastic use and greenhouse gas emissions from plastic. We have a strong commitment to ensure that our operations contribute to environmentally, socially, and economically sustainable development. 

Blue Ocean Closures Code of Conduct forms the basis for our work on sustainability.

We commit to the following:

  1. We responsibly fulfill our commitments to employees, subcontractors, community, and the environment. 
  2. We conduct our business with a long-term perspective. 
  3. We regularly evaluate the objectives and effectiveness of our work on sustainability and work on continuous improvements. 
  4. We comply with current legislation and FSC®’s (FSC-C089427) requirements and intentions, to make sure that our raw material does not come from illegal or unauthorized logging, key biodiversity areas, areas where civil rights or rights of indigenous populations are violated, forests where important conservation values are threatened, forests of genetically engineered trees or naturally developed forests that has been logged for the purpose of using the area for plantations or non-forest land use. 
  5. To the greatest extent possible, we shall use raw materials that come from FSC®-certified forestry. We will work to increase this volume. 
  6. We conduct and improve our operations in such a way that the possible negative impact on the environment from our operations is reduced. 
  7. As an employer, we are inclusive, affirms diversity and give our employees the opportunity of personal development and to reach their full potential. 
  8. We work actively to improve mental and physical health and safety at our workplaces. 
  9. We comply with the ILO’s core conventions regarding child labor, forced labor, workplace discrimination and the possibility to join labor unions and enter into collective agreements. 
  10. We give our employees information and training so that they can fulfill the commitments and intentions above.